Early Years Stronger Practice Hubs

There are 18 Early Years Stronger Practice Hubs across there country.


We have 2 Early Years Strong Practice Hubs located in the North East

Northern Lights Strong Practice Hub

The Great North Early Years Stronger Practice Hub


The Stronger Practice Hubs programme is part of DfE’s Early Years Education COVID-19 Recovery Package . Stronger Practice Hubs support other early years settings to improve outcomes for children in their local area across the EYFS, but specifically focusing on areas of development that research informs us have been most impacted by COVID-19: personal social and emotional development (PSED); communication and language, and early literacy and maths. Hubs are made up of existing, well-established early years providers that are supporting settings to adopt well-evidenced practice improvements by. You can find more information about the Stronger Practice Hubs programme and Hub details here.

A high priority for all Hubs currently is the recruitment of settings to professional development programmes that have been selected and allocated by the Education Endowment Foundation. You can search a setting and find out which programme is available hereIf you know of early years practitioners that could benefit from specific evidence informed training and would like to input into the evaluation of these programmes, please feel free to share this link or alternatively advise them to contact their local Hub.