Our ‘Partner Schools’ will receive 9 intensive school support days, over a 2 year period, with one of our experienced Literacy Specialists.
Following your commitment to the ‘Partnership Agreement’ and training to one specific SSP programme, partner schools will receive intensive support over 6 days with the aim to improve outcomes in Communication and Language and early reading (PSC).
As a Partner School, your school’s assigned Literacy Specialist will spend each support day working alongside the Headteacher and Reading/Phonics Lead for the day, exploring elements of teaching and learning, assessment, phonics provision, early language and Reading for Pleasure provision. Your Literacy Specialist will offer support, feedback and guidance, whilst modelling to staff and providing on the spot coaching.
Partner Schools will receive £150 ‘back-fill’ after each Literacy Specialist Support day to cover supply costs for the Reading / Phonics Leader’s release time.
All Partner Schools are entitled to a phonics audit and up to £6000 funding over a two-year period.